The DuctStation substantially reduces odours, visible smoke from the air and microbial populations on surfaces*, commonly found in the average industrial environment, utilizing the patent pending ActivePure technology. ActivePure consists of a special UV light and photocatalyst target, creating an Advanced Oxidation Process containing several friendly oxidizers.
The DuctStation ideally suited for any industrial walk-in cooler, warehouse, food preparation rooms, etc…
*Scientific tests have demonstrated the use of activTek Environmental air purifiers substantially reduce microbial populations on surfaces – including but not limited to Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus spp., Pseudonomas aeruginosa, Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, and S. chartarum. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Available in different sizes and power.
- Electrical
220 Volt AC, 20 to 139 Watts (based on normal line voltage)
- Mechanical
- Food grade steel enclosure
- Computer style cord - Controls
- Plug and Play
- 35 to 1500 square meters coverage - Size
30cm H x 27cm W x 4cm D to 127cm H x 24cm W x 44cm D
- Weight
5 to 25 kg
ActivTek是一家世界領先的空氣淨化器研發、製造、銷售的廠家。我們的產品不僅包括可以獨立使用的空氣淨化器,也包括和空調系統配套使用的空氣淨化模塊。同時, ActivTek提供特殊的空氣淨化產品去處理醫療機構、餐廳、酒吧、辦公室、學校、家庭、商業樓宇等空間內的異味、細菌、顆粒物等污染物質。我們也有專門控制醫院內傳染和醫療行業的專用產品。
我們的技術融合了多達五種的大自然空氣淨化技術,五種技術共同工作已達到空氣淨化的效果:光氫離子用以分級空氣中的化學物質;正負離子用以聚集並沉降顆粒物; 極低濃度的臭氧以去除異味。